The Way of the Warrior Trader – Richard D.McCall

 “The Way of the Warrior Trader” combines time-honored samurai precepts to modern trading. Modern trading is a struggle against other traders to be the first to reach advantageous positions, take profits, and move on to the next battle. The book demonstrates how to employ centuries-old strategies for triumph in today’s trading markets.

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MS Financial Trading

The Way of the Warrior Trader by Richard D.McCall Description

Trading is a constant struggle against other traders to be the first to reach advantageous positions, take profits, and move on to the next battle. “The Way of the Warrior Trader” combines time-honored samurai precepts to modern trading, demonstrating how to employ centuries-old strategies for triumph in today’s trading markets. “The Way of the Warrior Trader” outlines how to recover mentally from a loss and how to overcome deep-seated psychological hurdles to good trading.


“The Way of the Warrior-Trader,” on the other hand, is truly unique. This book transcends trading, yet I believe it is a more relevant book for most traders than any of the above. Other books will tell you how others succeeded, but this one will prepare YOU to enter combat with the right drive and battlefield mentality.



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