How To Invest Better – Alpesh Patel

The book explains why some financial goods and techniques are superior to others and provides a comprehensive and in-depth grasp of outstanding investment. Its approachable, user-friendly format and entertaining and concise style make it both a delightful and necessary instruction in the art of Internet trading.

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Alpesh Patel
MS Financial Trading

How To Invest Better by Alpesh Patel Description

Many investors get their financial knowledge from television and newspapers, but this does not help them comprehend the keys of financial success. This book provides an insider’s perspective on topics including asset allocation, diversification, market neutral trading, and risk management. It explains why some financial goods and techniques are superior to others and provides a comprehensive and in-depth grasp of outstanding investment.

From getting online, hardware and browser guides, to stock picking techniques and risk management, this course book is an enlightening start for both novices entering the trading arena and more experienced traders who frequently overlook sophisticated yet essential techniques such as money management. Its approachable, user-friendly format, as well as its entertaining and concise style, making it both a delightful and necessary instruction in the art of Internet trading.



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