$10.00 $129.00
Master 26.5 science-backed copywriting techniques with a 175-page playbook, AI tools, and templates to boost conversions and understand buyer psychology.
Discover 26.5 science-backed copywriting techniques and get a system to go from idea to first draft… fast!
Who needs this copywriting system?
Who are under constant pressure to boost conversions and prove their worth
Who wanna sell more stuff (so they can earn more $$ themselves)
Whose livelihood—and future retirement—relies on driving sales
Backed by science
Millions of dollars of scientific funding and tens of thousands of hours of academic research went into the copywriting wisdom shared in this 175-page playbook.
Think like a copy scientist
Discover 26.5 science-backed copywriting techniques
Instantly rewrite your copy
Sparky, your new AI Copy Bot, makes rewriting easier
Look like a genius
Wow your clients or team with your in-depth buyer psychology knowledge
What you get?
WOW Playbook
This 175 page interactive playbook includes 26.5 copywriting techniques. It’s organized around your buyer’s journey and each chapter covers one technique and includes real world examples to inspire you.
AI Copywriting Bot
Every copy scientist needs a trusty lab assistant, right? Meet Sparky, your AI-powered copywriting bot. Sparky helps you apply the techniques you learn so you can go from idea to first draft, fast.
Copy Testing Cheatsheets
After about 4.2 minutes of reviewing the WOW guidebook you’ll be so inspired you’ll want to rewrite E.V.E.R.Y.T.H.I.N.G. you’ve ever written. Slow down, you eager beaver. Use your copy testing cheatsheets to prioritize and plan your optimization tests.
“WOW!” Sell-Your-Work Script
If you write words to sell other people’s stuff (a.k.a. your team or client’s), then every time you share your suggested copy you should explain your thought process. This reusable template will make it easy to sell your ideas… and look like a genius in the process!
Today anyone with a pulse and access to ChatGPT thinks they’re a copywriter…
Every Tom, Dick or Harriet can generate reams of marketing copy with just a few keystrokes.
Ads? No problem. Sales emails? A walk in the park. A landing page? Easy peasy.
If you’ve tried ChatGPT and you’re still struggling, no sweat. There are plenty of internet-famous writers who will happily share their “proven templates”… for a modest fee.
And it’s your lucky day because these templates will help you “20X your conversions while working less than 2 hours a day from the beach”. Yeah… right *eye roll*
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