Option Greeks for Profit by J.L.Lord shares practical strategies and techniques based on insights that the Greeks generate!
Course Overview
Option Greeks for Profit by J.L.Lord addresses the most confusing of all option concepts – the Greeks (Delta, Gamma, Theta, Vega, and Rho). This is an advanced text for those wishing to upgrade their options skills and knowledge.
Through it is designed for ease of understanding, even the most seasoned professional floor traders will still benefit from this powerhouse of knowledge.
The materials presented are not only theories but also take those theories and turn the practicalities of the Greeks into strategies. You can learn how professional traders buy or sell straddles and strangles while using time-decay to their advantage amidst the time decay.
Course Outline
- Options Fundamentals.
- Early Excercise of Equity Options.
- Early Excercise of OEX Options.
- The Greeks.
- Delta Neutral Trading.
- Straddles and Strangles.
- Straddle-Strangle Swaps.
- Gamma Scalping.
- Gamma Scalping Criteria – Hedging with Stocks.
- Gamma Scalping Criteria – Hedging with Options.
- Index Options.
- Index Futures.
- The VIX.
What Will You Learn?
- Deep dives into the Greeks and the practical applications.
- Real case studies and proven strategies related to using the Greeks for insights.
- Coherent instructions on advanced concepts of the Greeks for more profitable options trading.
Who Is This Course For?
The course is for those who have been familiar with options trading fundamentals and common terminologies. It offers an ample chance to level up your skills and knowledge! Yet, if you are new to options trading, the fundamentals instruction of the course can help!
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