War Room Technicals Vol. 3 – Trick Trades

$40.00 $447.00

This course shares the comprehensive guidelines on the development of powerful strategies based on the understanding of technical analysis. The practical application guidelines are combined with many different situations of real trading.

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Options Trading

Course overview

War Room Technicals Vol. 3 by Trick Trades shares the comprehensive guidelines on the development of powerful strategies based on the understanding of technical analysis. The practical application guidelines are combined with many different situations of real trading. The course helps you level up the knowledge and frameworks shared in the previous volumes of the War Room Technicals series. If you have not joined the War Room Technicals Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 by Trick Trades, it is highly recommended for you to gain the best out of the War Room Technicals Vol. 3 by Trick Trades.

Course outline

Here are the materials that will assist you in learning how to trade with precision through the War Room Technicals Vol. 3 course:

  • Top 3 essential factors that you need to consider for your trade entries for the optimal earnings and positions.
  • The secret nuances are revealed for you to leverage momentum to earn high profits without undertaking big risks.
  • The explicit instructions on why you should not apply the strategy of buying the breakout and the optimal method to take advantage of the sheep to gain big profits.
  • How to spot the situation of the Fat Finger and the recommended solutions.
  • Guidelines on how to utilize the remouted levels and how to leverage retraces.
  • How to master the skills of identifying the signals of wedge formation and how to get the right timing of your moves for the most favorable situations.
  • Instructions on the wiggle room strategy and how impactful it could be to your trading profitability, as well as the explanation of why the 30 Cent Wiggle Room is important for your trading.
  • Guidelines on how to make optimal market entries/exits and trade starts/stops for optimal risk/reward ratios.
  • Insights into the VWAP tag for you to increase profitability and decrease the chances of losing.

What will you learn?

The following topics are covered in this course on the War Room Technicals Vol. 3 course:

  • Access to the best strategies that could help you maintain high profitability amid a highly volatile market of trading.
  • The methods to strike the best price with options are shared.
  • The powerful strategy that is the secrets of top traders for the best entry price for the big earnings is revealed.
  • The behind – the – scene techniques and strategies for options trading are openly shared in the protection of your trades through the effective risk management techniques.
  • And so much more!

Who is this course for?

The War Room Technicals Vol. 3 course focuses on:

  • Those who want to improve their trading strategies.
  • Those who want to strike the best price with options trading.
  • Those who want to be better in effective risk management technique.


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