Unlocking the Profits of the New Swing Chart Method – Dave Reif & Jeff Cooper

Swing Charting is the groundbreaking trend visualization approach discussed in this DVD course. It combines the value of time to classic swing charting with Gann’s Square of 9 theory to uncover the market’s clockwork mechanism. Course includes over 300 full-color charts and a navigation bar that allows you to move immediately to the chart you want to view.               

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Jeff Cooper, Dave Reif, Wiley
MS Stock Trading

Unlocking the Profits of the New Swing Chart Method – Dave Reif & Jeff Cooper Description

The groundbreaking trend visualization approach discussed in this DVD course is the result of decades of study and development by market technicians Dave Reif and Jeff Cooper, and it gives traders a tool of remarkable clarity and precision. employs typical swing charting and applies the importance of time to the trends. The approach is described as bringing the art and science of chart analysis from black-and-white analog TV to digital HD. It combines the value of time to classic swing charting, coupled with Gann’s Square of 9 theory, to uncover the market’s clockwork mechanism. It explains how to develop observable, actionable buy and sell signals while precisely defining the different cogs and gears that govern market patterns.

Provides a multitude of comprehensive examples from the Dow—from the 1920s to the present—clearly demonstrating the swing chart method’s amazing strength.

  • Provides you with clear buy and sell signals, making it easier than ever to profit from the market.
  • Real-world examples of using the swing chart strategy in various financial markets, including stocks, bonds, and commodities.
  • It includes over 300 full-color charts and a navigation bar that allows you to move immediately to the chart you want to view.


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