Professional Day Trading for Success Program – Larry Connors

Professional Day Trading for Success Program by Larry Connors guides you to not only make a living out of day trading but also become a master of the art.

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Trading Markets, Larry Connors
MS Day Trading

Course Overview

Professional Day Trading for Success Program is presented by Larry Connors, CEO of Trading Markets, with the aim of helping you make a career out of day trading. This is a comprehensive day trading program with simulated trading returns that display gains in 97 of the previous 101 months, helping you to trade more individually and easily.

Course Outline

  • Day Trading for Success Session #1.mp4
  • Day Trading for Success Session #2A.mp4
  • Day Trading for Success Session #2B.mp4
  • Day Trading for Success Session #1.mp4
  • Course slides & notes
  • Course spreadsheets
  • Indicators

What Will You Learn?

  • 7 Long and 6 Short Quantified Edge Trading Techniques
  • Way to understand panic purchasing and selling and trade systematically in specific situations
  • Trading coverage, earnings forecasts, and pre-market economic data
  • Special occasions and arbitrage cases throughout the year
  • Price Magnet Strategies which have been used by floor traders for a couple of years

Who is This Course For?

Professional Day Trading for Success Program by Larry Connors is created for advanced day traders to push their knowledge limit.



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