Larry Connors – How To Successfully Trade The Connors Windows Strategy &Tradestation Code

How To Successfully Trade The Connors Windows Strategy & Tradestation Code by Larry Connors shares how Larry Connors developed and applied this system to his trading.

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MS Algorithmic Trading

Course Overview

How To Successfully Trade The Connors Windows Strategy & Tradestation Code by Larry Connors walks you through the proven records of this systematic strategy. There are many aspects addressed in this course, such as the development process, adjustments, application, etc.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to The Connors Windows Strategy & Tradestation Code.
  • Inside the process in which the strategy was developed and executed.
  • The best practices and common mistakes.

What Will You Learn?

  • Learning to develop a solid base of knowledge and techniques for developing a trading system.
  • Being able to automate or semi-automate your trades.
  • How to cut down on time and effort on monitoring trades for lower risk-taking levels.
  • Maintaining high profits amidst the chaotic and volatile market trends.

Who Is This Course For?

This course is for those who have strong fundamentals of algorithmic trading and are familiar with trading systems and platforms. It is also ideal for those who know the basics of programming.



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