$55.00 $400.00
Members will gain the ability to identify robust investment opportunities with strong cash flow potential and have the opportunity to ask questions and engage with the community.
Cash Flow Investing Course learn to buy the very best cash flowing stocks
Table of Contents
Unit 0 & 1: Intro to an Enterprise
Understand a business enterprise and how they grow. The Pizza Shop example
Unit 2: Financial Statement Analysis
Learn to read annual reports (10Ks)
Unit 3: The Puzzle and Forecasting Stock Price
Run your own financial model and forecast. You can do this.
Unit 4: Investing vs Trading
Buy right and hold on. The power of compounding is amazing!!
Unit 5: Index vs Focused Portfolio & Conclusion
Be an active value investor, think for yourself and don’t follow the crowd.
Course Materials – Apple 10ks
The Cash Flow Club
The Cash Flow Club is the home of the 1 Pager. A one page summary of a company’s revenue, earnings, debt and cash flow to help long term investors focus on what truly matters – Cash Flow.
The monthly membership provides you with full access to the library of 1 Pagers as well a new 1 Pagers published monthly. Stocks ranging from classic consumer stables and industrials to high tech SaaS and Cloud companies are reviewed on a regular basis and judged for their ability to provide the investor with both cash flow and long term capital appreciation. Long term members will learn to spot a strong cash flowing investment opportunity and can post questions within the community.
5 Key Attributes
2. EBITDA Growth
3. Strong Free Cash Flow
4. Low Debt
5. Well Priced
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