What Money Really Means – Allworth Press and Thomas M. Kostigen

What Money Really Means by Allworth Press and Thomas M. Kostigen deep dives into money management and practical strategies to lead the situation in your favor.

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Allworth Press, Thomas M. Kostigen
MS Financial Trading

Book Overview

An exploration of the meaning and significance of money in the 21st century, by CBS MarketWatch columnist Thomas Kostigen. Using candid interviews with prominent economic, financial and spiritual leaders, American families, prison inmates, welfare mothers and lottery winners to illustrate his observations, he investigates how money is made, acquired and desired in today’s society and seeks to identify its value beyond its commercial and financial meaning.

With psychological and financial insight, Kostigen ponders the questions at the forefront of our consciousness: where does our appetite for money come from? How much is needed for survival? How integral is it to identity? Can it really buy happiness? The author traces money’s meaning through key financial institutions and inventions, through the homes and workspaces of average Americans, and into the temples of various world religions.


Book Outline

  • Section 1: The Physical Manifestation of Money and Attachment: What Money Is
  • Section 2: The Psychological Attachment of Money: What Money Means
  • Section 3: The Spiritual Attachment of Money: What Money Should Mean


What Will You Learn?

  • Practical strategies and techniques for consistent profits and minimal risks.
  • Deep dives into the detailed process and helpful tips.
  • Illustrated case studies and examples for practical insights.
  • Sharings by professionals.
  • Risk management.


Who Is This Book For?

This book is for every investor and trader who wants to upgrade their skills and knowledge.



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