Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities by Option Pit is a masterclass for doing options trading on specific commodities to make a striking profit.
Course Overview
The Best Course for Metals and Energy You Can Take. With Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities by Option Pit, you will learn how to put the odds of trading on your side and profit from options trading even whether the stocks are moving or standing still.
The course will surely astound you to learn that there are ways to trade options on these contracts to produce consistent income without risking a catastrophic loss on market moves.
Course Outline
- Mastering Gold, Oil, and Commodity Trading.mp4
- Mastering Gold, Oil, and Commodity Trading.mp4
What Will You Learn?
- Mastering the ins and outs of each asset
Executing the right trade in these names given the situation
- Creating trades using weekly and monthly options
- Managing and adjusting trades in these names
- Adjusting and managing iron butterflies
- Managing risk associated with these contracts like a professional trader
Who is This Course For?
The Best Course for Metals and Energy You Can Take. With Options for Gold, Oil, and Other Commodities by Option Pit focuses on specific trading instruments, which may only prove its value to advanced traders.
Option Pit
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