The Quantifiable Edges Market Timing Course is meant to educate investors some simple but historically effective stock market timing approaches that may be employed alone or in combination with the objective of enhancing long-term returns and lowering risk.
Course Overview
The Quantifiable Edges Market Timing Course is designed to teach investors some simple but historically effective stock market timing techniques that can be used on their own, or in combination with the goal of increasing returns and reducing risk over the long term.
In the course Rob Hanna shares 4 time-tested long-term market timing indicators. He shows exactly how each one works, and provides detailed historical information about each of them. He then builds on the concepts and shows how different combinations would’ve performed over time.
The course was designed in a way that a broad spectrum of investor types could benefit. Inexperienced investors can easily understand and utilize the concepts that are taught. Experienced investors may be familiar with some of the indicators already, but to our knowledge they have never been presented in combination. And it is the combination of these indicators that really exhibits the most powerful historical results.
Course Outline
- Long term trend identification techniques
- Short term overbought/oversold measures & historical tendencies
- Market positions matters (big moves)
- Volatility
- Trading against the trend
- Utilizing a market bias
- Trading with the Fed
- Putting it all together
- Trading psychology and Quant Trading
What Will You Learn?
- Skills on how to identify edges and where they have historically existed
- Skills to examine and interpret information from large data sets
- Understand how the information can be utilized
- Review strategies that look to take advantage of historical tendencies
Who Is This Course For?
- Both beginners and experienced traders can enjoy the course
- Anyone who need to a better understanding and skills relating to swing time frame
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