Using Fundamental Analysis – Andrew Baxter

After learning this Using Fundamental Analysis course, whether you trade fundamentals or technicals, knowing and understanding the moves in the market will definitely set you apart from the competition and help improve your trading.

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Andrew Baxter, Fundamental Analysis
MS Forex

Course Overview

This course will give you advanced basic analytical abilities. Many people now trade in the forex market, but how many understand what is going on behind the charts? Similarly, a doctor cannot diagnose a patient simply by looking at him. You cannot trade the markets just by glancing at the charts. It is critical to comprehend what is causing the market to fluctuate. What are the reasons?

By enrolling in this course, you will acquire game-changing techniques that distinguish good traders from average traders.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to fundamental analysis
  • Inter-market Analysis
  • Understanding the fundamentals
  • Wrap Up and Q&A

What Will You Learn?

  • Understand how to analyze news
  • Recognize the central banks
  • Interpretation of central bank activities
  • Conduct a Fundamental Analysis
  • They employ fundamental analysis in their trading.

Who Is This Course For?

  • Course is suitable for all levels


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