Trading With Market Timing and Intelligence by John Crain helps you quickly learn this powerful strategy and begin to use it as stand-alone trading approach or add it to your current trading methods.
Course Overview
In this course, you will learn to predict, identify, and trade short-term swing trades in futures, stocks or Forex using a unique swing trading “market timing intelligence” methodology. Veteran futures trader and best-selling author John Crane will show how he combines his highly acclaimed “Action/Reaction” market timing methods with a selective set of Elliott Wave, Dr. Andrew’s Median line, and Fibonacci analysis.
Course Outline
- Session 1 – Reaction swing
- Session 2 – How to use a simple line, combined with market structure
- Session 3 – How long-term cycles can also overlap short-term cycles to provide additional confirmation to the probable path of price
- Session 4 – Using live markets and the Reaction Point™ indicator
What Will You Learn?
- Recognize and benefit from the profound influence that “Action-Reaction” exerts on all markets in all degrees of a trend.
- Determine correct market behavior to identify when a market correction is most likely to begin.
- Combine price action with market timing to pinpoint high-probability reversal periods and price target objectives.
- Capitalize on market momentum to identify when a price swing is losing momentum and likely to reverse or move into consolidation.
- Combine energy-building patterns with timing patterns to isolate and take advantage of high-probability breakout points.
- Project future market reversals in terms of price, time, and direction with a high degree of accuracy.
- Identify low-risk support and resistance levels that appear on every chart, yet are not recognized by most people.
- Benefit from both bullish and bearish market trends.
- Use a simple median line to determine if a market is losing or gaining momentum.
- Identify the “sweet spot” where a market is building energy inside a trend that can precede explosive market moves.
- Identify when a market is conducive for swing trading or day trading.
- Understand how the current market behavior will affect future price action so you can be proactive with your trade management.
Who Is This Course For?
Trading With Market Timing and Intelligence is for all forex traders to quickly learn this powerful strategy and how to apply technical analysis to your trading.
John Crain
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