The Ultimate Guide To Fibonacci Time Analysis by Simpler Trading course will allow you to take the best of optimal risk/reward ratios, hence you know how to trade in any time period and instrument.
Course Overview
Trading is chaotic, which means your anxiety. The Ultimate Guide To Fibonacci Time Analysis by Simpler Trading is what you need to trade with objectivity. Eliminating emotions while you trade is important for you to trade with long-term profitability.
There are a wide range of aspects covered in the course. The main focus, however, is to get the right timing of trade actions. Optimal risk/reward ratios are possible as long as you know the best track of trading in any time frame and instrument. What Carolyn, the creator of this Ultimate Guide To Fibonacci Time Analysis course, shares is the extraction of trading experiences.
Course outline
- DT timing class
- DT Follow up
- DT Timing from 2 points
- DT Timing from 3 points
- Fib queen Timing work
- Time analysis course
- TOS Fib time extension from 3 points
- TOS Fib time ratio from 2 points
What will you learn?
- How to get the right timing of key market reversals.
- How to gain optimal risk/reward ratios for timing market entries/exits and trade starts/stops.
- The best practices of Fibonacci Time Analysis for accurate projection of market trends and movements.
- How to objectively trade with illuminating insights into the trading market.
- How to use insights into the market as ingredients for strategy development and application.
- How to maintain the consistency of high profitability amidst the volatile market.
- The common mistakes of trading with effective technical analysis to save you from pitfalls.
- And so much more!
Who is this course for?
Ultimate Guide To Fibonacci Time Analysis is designed to:
- Traders who get better in catching the market trends.
- Traders who want to get the right timing of trade actions.
Carolyn Borden
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