Trading by the Minute – Joe Ross

Joe Ross explains his Major, Minor, and Intermediate intraday trading indications. He focuses on the hows, whys, and whens of stop loss and profit guarding stop placement. You will learn how to hedge your positions, cope with the floor, and outperform them.

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Trading Educators, Joe Ross
MS Financial Trading

Trading by the Minute by Joe Ross Description

Joe Ross explains his Major, Minor, and Intermediate intraday trading indications in Trading by the Minute. He demonstrates what they are and why they are significant. He focuses on the hows, whys, and whens of stop loss and profit guarding stop placement. You will learn how to hedge your positions, how to cope with the floor, and how to outperform them. Joe explains many strategies for recognizing a trend before anybody else recognizes that it is happening.

There are many useful concepts in this book that may have been novel and unique at the time Mr. Ross created them. However, these fundamental ideas have been conveyed several times in other more cheaply priced goods.


Joe Ross

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