Timing Solution Advanced Build (June 2013)

The Timing Solution Advanced Build (June 2013) walks you through practical concepts of analysis techniques to get the right timing of trades. You can learn best practices through case studies, charts, etc. to easily apply the methods to real-world trades. Also, you will access powerful tools that support you to smooth the process amid the volatility of the trading market.   

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Timing Solutions
MS Financial Trading

Timing Solution Advanced Build (June 2013) Description

The Timing Solution Advanced Build (June 2013) walks you through practical concepts of analysis techniques to get the right timing of trades. You can learn best practices through case studies, charts, etc. to easily apply the methods to real-world trades. Also, you will access powerful tools that support you to smooth the process amid the volatility of the trading market.

Here’s what you will learn in this course:

  • Instructions on timing solution technology, projection lines, and practical techniques.
  • Detailed guides on advanced charting tools, market forecasting based on astronomical cycles, dominant cycles, etc.
  • Coherent instructions on charting, price charting, manipulation, and charting tools.
  • How to spot price patterns through the observation of price history.


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