Secrets of the Federal Reserve – Eustace Mullins

This book surely explains the Fed’s views throughout the enormous rescue of New York banks. It is a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers for their own benefit. The history of the secret meeting of bankers at Jekyll Island, JP Morgan’s links to the Rothschild family, and links to other shadow government groups all contribute to this book’s disturbing nature.

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Eustace Mullins
MS Financial Trading

Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins Description

Mullins outlines some basic facts regarding the Federal Reserve System, including the following: it is NOT a US government bank; it is NOT regulated by Congress; it is a privately owned Central Bank controlled by the elite financiers for their own benefit. The Federal Reserve elite controls high interest rates, inflation, and the production of paper money, and they have gained control over the United States’ prosperity slump.

This book provides a more vivid picture of whose hand is truly manipulating the market. This book surely explains the Fed’s views throughout the enormous rescue of New York banks. The history of the secret meeting of bankers at Jekyll Island, the prolific connection to the Rothschild family, JP Morgan and Paul Warburg’s roles in founding the Fed, their endless tradition of war funding, their root causes of panics and depressions, and links to other shadow government groups all contribute to this book’s disturbing nature.



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