Trader W.D. Gann employed the pyrapoint system as a basis for his trading deals. “Reno” worked for Gann for six years, sharing tight trading desks, and reinforced Gann’s secretive demeanor. He said Gann carried a little piece of paper with him when he was in the “pit” for his most successful deals. Reno said that this paper was a small Pythagorean Cube.
Pyrapoint by D.E.Hall Description
I present to you that W.D. Gann employed the pyrapoint system as a basis. I believe we can prove it. But, if you accept our argument, we propose to invest our time with “hands-on” evidence in order to discover the system’s genuine and complete potential. This is why we attend a seminar and read this guidebook.
In addition, we should have no copyright violations because, to the best of our knowledge and study, Mr. Gann never taught this in any of his seminars. I had the pleasure of knowing Gann’s assistant, Mr. Renato Alghini, for around seven years. “Reno” worked for Gann for six years, sharing tight trading desks. Reno reinforced Gann’s intensely secretive demeanor, which was evident in the majority of his writings and lectures. Reno died some years ago.
However, throughout the author’s years of friendship with him, he disclosed a few facts that seemed to justify the direction of our efforts. One of the confirmatory aspects that stood out was the revelation that Gann carried a little piece of paper with him when he was in the “pit” for his most successful documented deals. Reno said that this paper was a small Pythagorean Cube.
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