The course Options for Beginners by Investopedia provides all of the necessary knowledge for an investor to understand how the options market operates and how to begin trading options.
Course Overview
The ultimate goal of Options for Beginners by Investopedia is for its students to be self-sufficient in creating and executing profitable options transactions. Assuming you are new to options trading, this would imply mastering the fundamentals before moving on to more complicated trading methods. To continue in the game, you would also learn how to successfully manage your financial resources, gains, and losses. A decent options trading education should include risk management.
Learning occurs through instructional content, which is frequently in the form of a video course, as well as by seeing the experts operate as they create, execute, and evaluate trades, offering step-by-step commentary along the way. Most reputable courses include trading simulators so you can put what you’ve learned into practice with Options for Beginners.
Options for Beginners Course outline
- Pre-Test
- Options Course Intro
- Course Goals
- What You’ll Need
- Understanding Options
- Understanding Options Intro
- What Are Options?
- Intrinsic Value vs. Time Value
- Greeks
- Understanding Options Conclusion/Recap
- Puts & Calls: Overview
- Puts and Calls Introduction
- What are Puts?
- What are Calls?
- Buying Options
- Selling Options
- Puts & Calls: Buying & Selling
- Buying Puts
- Buying Calls
- Selling Puts
- Selling Calls
- Puts and Calls Conclusion
- Buying & Selling Review
- Calculating Breakevens & Risk Management
- Breakeven & Risk Management Workbook
- Risk Intro
- Buying Calls
- Selling Calls
- Buying Puts
- Selling Puts
- Risk Conclusion
- Patient Analysis
- Patient Analysis Intro
- Volatility
- Time On Your Side
- Patient Analysis Conclusion
- Four Trades: Set-Ups
- Four Trade Setup Workbook
- One – Income Trade – Selling Call
- Two – Income Trade – Selling Put
- Three – Insurance Protection
- Four – Stock Replacement
- Setup Conclusion
- Live Examples: Putting The Pieces Together
- Charts & Grids Intro
- Live Trade Intro
- Covered Call Sale
- Targeted Purchase
- Buy Insurance
- Long Exposure
- Bonus Trade
- Live Trade Conclusion
What will you learn?
- Improve flexibility in your portfolio by adding options
- Approach Calls as down-payments, and Puts as insurance
- Interpret expiration dates, and distinguish intrinsic value from time value
- Calculate breakevens and risk management
- Over 5 hours of on-demand video, exercises, and interactive content.
- A free Excel spreadsheet that helps you calculate the value of your options over an inputted time and value
Who is this course for?
Options for Beginners course is designed to:
- Intermediate and experienced traders, and a brokerage account is a prerequisite. It simplifies options buying and selling and—above all—shows you how to “wait for the slow pitch.”
Daniel Jassy
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