On-Demand Options Education by Sang Lucci helps you build the stepping stones on your options trading journey and head in the best direction.
Course Overview
On-Demand Options Education by Sang Lucci is a 15+ hour on-demand course that teaches options trading using a unique strategy of momentum trading large cap weekly and monthly options while helping to identify a trading style that fits your personality, financial goals, and capital base.
Sang Lucci’s On-Demand Education is for the trader seeking to learn how to aggressively trade large-cap stocks and options and find the method that specifically suits his or her personal goals.
Course Outline
- Advanced options
- Brokers and platforms
- Introduction
- Options
- Tape reading
- Trading fundamentals
- Trading psychology
What Will You Learn?
- Viewing and Analyzing Charts
- Adjusting Time frames on Charts to Provide Insight
- Profiting from Market Conditions Using Different Types of Trades
- Why We Trade Options In the First Place
- Options 101
- Reading an Options Chain
- Priorities for Choosing Platform (especially for options)
- Adjusting Settings to Maximize Performance
- Employing Multiple Chart Time frames
- And many more
Who is This Course For?
On-Demand Options Education by Sang Lucci covers options trading knowledge from the very basics, making it perfectly suitable for beginners.
Sang Lucci
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