Market Mindfields: Dancing with Gorilla – Ryan Litchfield

Market Mindfields: Dancing with Gorilla by Ryan Litchfield walks you through the best practices of how to meditate and keep calm amidst the tumultuous market moves. 

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Ryan Litchfield
MS Financial Trading

Course Overview

In this Market Mindfields 2-DVD series, Ryan teaches that trading as a skill is independent of strategies. That trading is a strategy – in fact, it is “The Strategy.” Stock, options, futures, and currency trading have a common denominator: TRADING. If you do not have the trained discipline to face the fickle market and act appropriately under whatever pressure may show up on any given day, it does not matter how many strategies you know how to do.


Course Outline

  • Mind Fields Land Mines
  • Head Games
  • Good Trades vs. Being Right
  • Blending with the Market
  • No Lose/No Win
  • The Good Trader
  • Consistent
  • Calm
  • Profitable
  • Counter Moves
  • Attacker picks technique
  • Recognizing the attack or opportunity
  • Proper Action – Reaction
  • Appropriate Strategies


What Will You Learn?

  • How to control your mind and develop viable strategies for consistent profits.
  • Techniques and tools for profitable trades.
  • Illustrated case studies and examples for practical understanding.
  • How to maintain the presence of your mind amidst the chaos.


Who Is This Course For?

The course is great for every trader at every level.



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