Trade Like a Bookie – David L.Caplan

Trader David Caplan’s Trade Like a Bookie is a guidebook on how to manipulate the odds in the trader’s benefit. Caplan combines his forty years of trade study, probability research, and poker playing expertise to help traders take advantage of the current market conditions. 

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David L.Caplan
MS Stock Market

Trade Like a Bookie – David L.Caplan Description

Have you ever desired to trade in such a way that the odds were stacked in your favor? David Caplan created the Trade Like a Bookie guidebook by combining his forty years of trade study, probability research, and poker playing expertise. You will learn how to exploit the odds, beat the odds, and gain the rewards that come with it.

The book Trade Like a Bookie shows how to manipulate the odds in the trader’s favor. The adjustment techniques are excellent. I believe that a trader with strong abilities and a basic grasp of charts may benefit from reading this information. In this book, traders can tighten or relax the risk based on their particular preferences.

You’ll have even more benefits than a “Bookies”!

  • You have the option of collecting from both sides.
  • Both alternatives incur “time decay” and lose part of their time worth every day.
  • You only take bets (trades) if the odds are in your favor.
  • Even if the market goes outside of the initial range, the position can still be “adjusted” and be profitable.


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