The Sun, the Moon, and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader – Raymond Merriman

he Sun, the Moon, and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader by Raymond Merriman shares how to forecast the next price actions through the observation of planetary moves. You can learn practical approaches through case studies, examples, and detailed analysis. 

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Raymond Merriman, MMA Cycles
MS Financial Trading

The Sun, the Moon, and Silver Market: Secrets of a Silver Trader by Raymond Merriman Description

This course walks you through how to get the optimal timing in the Silver market within 2-3 day intervals. It shows thorough instructions on a long-term approach to trading Silver. Also, it covers a quantitative study on short-term moves. There are practical tips for catching short-term swings in Silver prices through moon signs and phases.

Here’s what you will learn in this book:

  • How to get the right timing in the Silver market.
  • A long-term approach and short-term wings in Silver prices through moon signs and phases.
  • Detailed instructions and illustrated case studies and examples for better understanding.


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