Street-Smart Chart Reading – Volume 2 – Digging Deeper – Donald G.Worden

Deeper examines trend behavior (and analysis) in the context of an underlying market logic. Don Worden identifies the basic characteristics of a competent trader. He discusses the Seven Uses of Technical Analysis, of which he claims only one is to make predictions.

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Donald G.Worden
MS Technical Analysis

Street-Smart Chart Reading – Volume 2 – Digging Deeper by Donald G.Worden Description

Don Worden takes you farther into the world of technical analysis with an illustrated overview of intermediate and advanced trading ideas connected to chart reading. Digging Deeper examines trend behavior (and analysis) in the context of an underlying market logic. Don Worden identifies the basic characteristics of a competent trader and discusses the Seven Uses of Technical Analysis, of which he claims only one is prediction.

He suggests that many traders are deficient because they do not understand their own strengths and weaknesses within some common framework; or rather, understanding will make them unable ultimately for example be fully successful on every trade based solely upon mathematical calculations alone. In doing so he explains why several famous investors have become prominent fund managers when faced by serious performance anxiety.



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