Larry Connors – The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System 2004

The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System 2004 by Larry Connors shares instructions on applying this trading system to your trading. The best practices are under the spotlight to get the best out of it!

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MS Swing Trading

Course Overview

The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System by Larry Connors spots reversals that occur when the market gets overbought or oversold. Typically, a stock that has 7-point swings within 10 days is more volatile than a stock that only has 2-point swings in 10 days.

The way that the Bollinger Bands stands out apart from other systems is that it takes into account the constant change of market volatility. So, the way it works is more relative to the way the market trends take place.

Course Outline

  • Instructions on swing trading.
  • Guideline on using the Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System.
  • Real trading charts and case studies.

What Will You Learn?

  • Better performance of swing trading through the support of swing trading tools.
  • In-depth analysis of market trend patterns for more accurate market forecasting.
  • How to transform insights into market trends into viable tactics and strategies.
  • Building up your trading confidence.

Who Is This Course For?

The Bollinger Bands Swing Trading System by Larry Connors is for every swing trader no matter how long they have traded.



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