The Stock Trader – Tony Oz

The Stock Trader – Tony Oz tells how he chose a broker, set up an account, and then drew a handsome income from the stock market each week, earning a 56% return on his capital in one month – more than most investors earn in a year.

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Tony Oz
MS Stock Trading

Course overview

In the Stock Trader, professional trader, Tony Oz, chronicled a first-hand description of one of the worst stock market crashes in recent memory. With the course, Tony Oz focuses on the typical elements you face when trading: entry price tactics, stop losses, classical charting techniques, exit tactics, and psychology.

This course is designed for Stock Trading and Day Trading.

Course Outline

  • PDF File: The Stock Trader by Tony OZ


What will you learn?

  • Over 100 round trip trades recorded, charted and explained in a daily trading journal.
  • An intimate look into his activities as he explains the strategies and processes behind his actions.
  • Fundamentals about entry price tactics, stop losses, classical charting techniques, exit tactics, and psychology.

Who is this course for?

This course is ideal for those who are planning to make a living trading stocks. A must read for anyone who wants to become a day trader.


Tony Oz

2 Courses


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