Blockchain 2022: Complete Blockchain Course for Beginners by Jitesh Khurkhuriya instructs you on the blockchain technology and its applications.
Course Overview
Blockchain 2022: Complete Blockchain Course for Beginners by Jitesh Khurkhuriya shares the basic aspects of blockchain technology and how it works in real life. You will grab insights into this field through simple, but powerful explanations. Not only definitions but you will also learn through examples.
Course Outline
- Blockchain Basics
- Distributed Ledger Technology and how it is applied in Blockchain
- Difference between Database and Blockchain
- Cryptography and Cryptographic Hash Functions in Blockchain
- How Consensus Algorithm and Block mining of a Blockchain works using – Peer-to-Peer network, Proof-Of-Work Algorithm
- Sample code to understand how Hashing works
- How does Cryptocurrency work?
- What is a Smart Contract and how does it work in a Blockchain environment?
- How to choose Blockchain over traditional systems?
- Architecture of Ethereum, Hyperledger, and Corda; three leading Blockchain technology platforms
- Which Blockchain platforms among Ethereum, Hyperledger, or Corda will be effective for you?
- How Blockchain will revolutionize various industries including Supply Chain, Finance, and Provenance?
What Will You Learn?
- Practical insights into Blockchain technology and its operation.
- Better understanding of Cryptographic Hash Function.
- The definition of a Smart Contract and its implementation.
- Inside the structure of Hyperledger, Corda, and Ethereum Platforms.
- The fundamentals of blockchains to chart out further technology or consulting plans.
- Becoming more confident with your knowledge about blockchain technologies.
- Getting the right timing and best practices of applications of Blockchain to real businesses.
- The influence of Blockchain across other industries.
Who Is This Course For?
Blockchain 2022: Complete Blockchain Course for Beginners by Jitesh Khurkhuriya is great for those who have been new to blockchain technology. It is great for beginners thanks to its simple instructions and explanations.
Additional Information
- If you are interested in learning Blockchain technology, this course will be helpful.
- To get the best out of this course, you should grasp insights into the internet and the technology’s implementation.
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