Bible Interpretation – George Bayer

Bible Interpretation – George Bayer helps you to proficient in the use of technical analysis skills.

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George Bayer
MS Technical Analysis

Bible Interpretation – George Bayer Description

The book has been re-typed and is completed except for one word that we could not decipher. Some changes were made in punctuation and spelling for the sake of clarity, but the text remains largely as Mr.Bayer produced it.

Chapter 1.

Verse 1: We shall later see that God is the planet Mars

Verse 2: The spirit of Mars

Verse 3: Figure #3

Verse 4: Figure #4

Verse 5: The part of the heaven above the waters becomes day and the part below the waters becomes light

Verse 6: The firmament is the Zodiac

Verse 7: Three kinds of waters called seas in the firmament

Verse 8: The Zodiac we must remember begins at 0’Aries

Verse 9: Dry land appears now between the waters and extends from the end of Scorpio to the beginning of Pisces.

And more



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