The AstroFX 2.0 – Astrofxc will dissect this macroeconomic data and examine the most critical elements that will have the greatest influence on markets/specific currency crossings.
Course Overview
Be it the BOE (Bank of England) regarding Inflation or Job’s Numbers, the FED minutes, or US CPI or Manufacturing Numbers and Eurozone interest rates etc. This is what we call ‘macroeconomic’ data. And these data releases impact price action, both long term and short term.
Fundamental announcements are a vital part of trading Forex, stocks and pretty much all markets. They help to move the Markets along faster, creating huge liquidity in short periods of time. They also create a lot of volatility, this combined with liquidity can be taken advantage of. The general consensus is and always has been the ‘Markets will follow the economic numbers’.
Let’s break this macroeconomic data down and look at the most important factors that will have the highest impact on the markets/particular currency crosses.
Course Outline
- Welcome to AstroFX
- Forex Principles
- Charting Foundations
- Intermediate AstroFX Tracking
- Fundamentals
- Psychology and Market Lessons
- AstroFX Pro Advanced
What Will You Learn?
- The Price Action Trading Market Structures Logic
- How to Create Effective Trendlines
- Price Action Trading Techniques
- Advanced Methods
- Psychology of Trading
Who Is This Course For?
- Anyone who wants to learn “Price Action Trading” strategies from A to Z
- Anyone who know technical analysis but unable to make sustainable profits
- Anyone who want to create passive income from trading
Aman Natt
Shaun Powell
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