Hans Hannula – The Chaos Course. Cash in on Chaos

This course applies Chaos Theory to market behavior. This is the only genuine scientific course on market volatility. You may use it to develop your own trading strategies.

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Course overview

The Chaos Course – Cash in on Chaos uses the idea of Chaos Theory to explain market behavior. This is the only authentic scientific course on market turmoil. You may use it to create your own trading methods.

Markets are demonstrably chaotic. They go through periods of relative peace, then sudden price breaks higher or down, and then back to relative calm. This is common in chaotic systems and may be explained using chaos theory. The fundamentals of chaos theory are taught using only addition, subtraction, and multiplication.


Course outline

The Chaos Course – Cash in on Chaos shows you exactly how to do trading, via these modules below:

  • Hans Hannula – The Chaos Course. Cash in on Chaos (Video 1.8 GB)
  • Hans Hannula – Cash In On Chaos (moneytide.com) (pdf)
  • 6 hours video, 185 page manual.


What will you learn?

In The Chaos Course – Cash in on Chaos, online traders can learn:

  • Ability to create your own trading strategies.
  • Understanding market activity via the lens of Chaos Theory.
    • Patterns underneath the surface: motions that act similarly.
    • Constant feedback loops occur when an activity encourages a specific direction.
    • Repetition refers to repeated motions.
    • Fractals have the same motions at all sizes (a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole).
    • Self-organization is a natural process in which some kind of overall order emerges through local interactions between pieces of a disorderly system.
  • Understanding of the deeper nature of financial markets
  • Understanding the use of chaos theory to Forex


Who is this course for?

The The Chaos Course – Cash in on Chaos is tailored for:

  • Those who need to better understand the Chaos Theory in the trading markets and financial aspects.
  • Those who need to dive deeper into the nature of financial markets.
  • Those who need a course which can mainly provide them with the economics and financial knowledge needed.


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