Lecture Notes From Baumrind’s Investment Centre Seminars – Alfred Friedman

Al Friedman has written a new set of notes on Jerry Baumring’s Law of Vibration. Just skimming them reveals several crucial developments, hints, and subtleties in these notes that will fill in gaps in comprehending the idea. Al’s notes are nearly as thorough and extensive as Julius Notes.

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Alfred Friedman
MS Financial Trading

Lecture Notes From Baumring’s Investment Centre Seminars by Alfred Friedman Description

For the previous 15 years, the sole public resource for conveying Jerry Baumring’s opinions was Julius Nirenstein’s LectureNotes. Al Friedman has now provided us with another set of notes that are similarly amazing. Al’s Notes are nearly as thorough and extensive as Julius Notes, although they differ in coverage and presentation in many respects, being slightly more than 200 pages to Julius’s 250. Just skimming them reveals that there are several crucial developments, hints, and subtleties in these notes that will fill in gaps in comprehending Baumring’s idea, and that, when combined with Julius Notes, will provide us with a clearer and more detailed knowledge of the Law of Vibration.



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