Trading for a Living Seminar – Omega Research

Trading for a Living Seminar by Omega Research shows you the mindset of a Havard graduate on how to make living while trading full-time.

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Omega Research
MS Trading Psychology

Trading for a Living Seminar Description

Trading for a Living Seminar by Omega Research will help you sharpen your trading psychology and learn how you can start successfully trading for a living right now from a renowned industry veteran, lecturer, and author.


Harvard-educated Charlie Wright is Chairman of the Fall River Group, Inc. a group of foundries, as well as owner of Quaetus Management Corporation, a venture capital firm. He is a strategy trader who, during the 1980s was a member of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and actively day-traded S&P futures.


Here are what you will learn in this course:

  • 4-part audio
  • A 182-page book packed with valuable information
  • Total Listening Time: 8 hours


Who is This Course For?

Trading for a Living Seminar by Omega Research is made for traders who want to trade for a living, which is basically everybody.



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