The FX Swing Trading Blueprint – Swing FX

The FX Swing Trading Blueprint by Swing FX highlights effective techniques and strategies of swing trading with great examples and case studies. You can learn through not only theory instruction but also helpful trading tips. 

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Swing FX
MS Forex Trading

Course Overview

Swing FX is a financial education firm centered around helping you elevate your trading career by training you on how to profit off of the shifting fundamentals of the Forex Market. We don’t just teach how to read and interpret the news in regard to its effect on different currencies.


Course Outline

  • Market basics
  • How to conduct fundamental analysis
  • How to do technical analysis
  • Linking the news to the price charts
  • How to set up trades and manage them
  • How to manage risk like the pros
  • How to hedge your trades to limit downside
  • Mindset Training
  • How to track your trading


What Will You Learn?

  • Fundamental analysis and technical analysis for valuable insights.
  • Effective risk management techniques.
  • Trading psychology for successful trades amidst the chaos.
  • Trade management for maximal profits and minimal losses.


Who Is This Course For?

The course is great for any forex trader who wants to have a solid foundation in analysis techniques.


Swing FX

1 Courses


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